Disease boroughs of London. Railwayman John Wilkinson died an ironic death. Shortly after clambering into his locomotive, he collapsed, slumping suddenly to the footplate. …
Pigeon blood cure is considered a sovereign remedy against the influenza. If the following facts, writes a Paris correspondent in year 1900, were not …
Extraordinary Cure of Blindness in 1881 has recently taken place to a gardener named Geo. Parker, aged 82, who resides at Rose Cottage, Brimington. …
New Way of Pulling Out a Tooth but don’t try it. The bravest among us often quail at the prospect of a visit to …
Narcotic cocaine to war a cough. The patient arrived doubled up with pain: breathless, faint and exhausted, clutching her chest, her lips tinged an …
Real Romance in Humble Life an old Scotchman, named, we believe, Allison, arrived in the township of Underskiddaw, near Keswick, and located himself to …
Circumstance Attending the Birth of a Child in 1852 year. A curious incident occurred in a family the other day at Birkenhead, in which …
Jealous Woman’s Revenge, Ludicrous Scene. A most remarkable case reaches us from Blythe. It appears that a young man named Walkingshaw, who is connected …
Extraordinary Marriage Ceremony with dead body in 1881. A few days ago the report of a singular, and we may add melancholy, wedding reached …
Widow Married Her Own Brother story from 1868 year. There passed through this city yesterday en route Chicago, a lady whose history is one …